Featured: Ilko Allexandroff

Drinking in the Night
Taken by: Ilko Allexandroff

Recently, I’ve found myself wanting to do some serious street photography. Perhaps the rural setting of Ithaca has finally gotten to me, but regardless I found Mr. Allexandroff’s photostream full of beautiful portraits set in perfectly-lit cities to be very refreshing. The picture above is actually a self-portrait and is a prime example of how talented Ilko is at lighting a scene, nailing the composition, and blurring out the background perfectly. Ilko is a venerable lighting-guru, and he even provides setup pictures for some shots on his stream (here) which I found very interesting and informative. I urge you to check out this man’s photostream and website (here), especially if you’re looking for some inspiration to make your portraits extraordinary (or if you are just looking for more of a reason to buy a 135mm f/2 like me!). Doesn’t this just make you want to go out and get shooting!?!

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